Math 114 | Syllabus | Homework | Exams | Blackboard | Central Site | Slides | Help! | Course Info | Calendar
Professor: Robert M. Strain
Office Hours: By Appointment
Office : DRL 4E3 |
Teaching Assistant: Zhe Liu
Email: zheliu at
Office: 4N26
Office Hours: T & R 10:30-11:30 AM
221 REC M 9-10AM DRLB 3C6
222 REC M 10-11AM DRLB 2C6
223 REC W 8-9AM DRLB 3C6
224 REC W 9-10AM DRLB 3C6 |
Teaching Assistant: Yin Xia
Email: xiayin at
Office: 1N1
Office Hours: M 1:00-2:00 PM & W 12:00-1:00 PM
225 REC M 9-10AM DRLB 4E9
226 REC M 10-11AM DRLB 4E9
227 REC W 8-9AM DRLB 4C2
228 REC W 9-10AM DRLB 4C2 |
Textbook: James Stewart. Calculus, 6th Ed. |
Exam 1 |
Thursday, Feb. 11 (in class) |
20% |
Exam 2 |
Thursday, March. 18 (in class) |
20% |
Exam 3 |
Thursday, April. 15 (in class) |
20% |
Final Exam |
Tuesday, May 4, 12:00-2:00 pm |
25% |
Homework & Quizzes |
15% |
There will be 2 closed book midterm exams tentatively scheduled for the above dates. You are not allowed to use a calculator during the midterm and final exams but you can prepare and use one 8.5 by 11 sheet of paper (both sides) with notes of your choice. The final and midterm exams will be cumulative (covers all material). Only the final exam will be common (all 114 students take the same exam). They take place at the times given above.
Homework is to be handed in on Thursday's by 3pm into your TA's mailbox in DRL 4W1. Any homework turned in after 3:05 pm will be considered late and will receive no credit. The homework will be graded but the worst 2 scores will be dropped (will not be used in calculating your final homework grade). Homework assignments will be found on the web here.
Every week (except during exam weeks) during the last 10-15 minutes of your recitation you will be given a quiz on a homework problem from the previous week's assignment. The quizzes will be graded but the worst score will be dropped (will not be used in calculating your final quiz grade). There will be no makeup quizzes.
All Exam, Quiz and Homework grades will be posted on Blackboard.
Get Help
Before its too late, please seek out help. One definition of too late is after you receive a low exam 1 score. There are many forms of help :
- Ask lots of questions in recitation. Take advantage of recitation, don't just show up to take the quiz.
- TA's office hours, Instructor's office hours
- Sunday Night Reviews DRL A1 7-9pm (each week)
- Math/Maple Center (Mon. - Thurs. 6:30-9:30pm)
- Online Help (Discussion board on Blackboard's 114 plenary site 9pm - 1am)
- Learning Resource Center, offered by the Weingarten Learning Resources Center, in Stouffer Commons, Suite 300, 3702 Spruce Street, Philadelphia PA 19104, tel: (215) 573-9235
- The Tutoring Center
- Math Approved Tutors
Class Web Page:
Department Web Page:
Math Maple Lab Manual
Maple is a mathematical software package. In addition to doing standard numerical and graphical computations, it is capable of doing symbolic computations. Maple will be used in classroom demonstrations, and you may use it for some of your homework assignments throughout the semester. The actual soft cover manual has the syllabus, all the demos found in the above link, as well as copies of old exams.
Calendar |
January 14 - First Class
Feb 19 - Drop Period Ends
March 6-14 - Spring Break
April 2 - Last day to withdraw
April 27 - Last Class, Review Session |