Robert M. Strain, PhD

Mathematics 645: PDE Homework

All homework is to be handed in on the Friday of the week after it was assigned by 4pm into my mailbox in DRL 4W1. Any homework turned in after 4:05 pm will be considered late and will receive no credit.

Problem Set Assigned Reading Homework
Ten Apr. 12 Chapter 6.2 \& 7.4: Evans PDE (Second Edition) Chapter 7: 15, 16.
Nine Apr. 6 Chapter 7.4: Evans PDE (Second Edition) PDF HW
Eight March. 22 Chapter 5: Evans PDE (Second Edition) PDF HW
Seven March. 14 Chapter 5: Evans PDE (Second Edition) PDF HW including Chapter 5: 17,19
Six Feb. 25 LP theory PDF HW
Five Feb. 14 Chapter 5: Evans PDE (Second Edition) Chapter 5: 9 (suppose U = R^n and prove this using LP theory), 15, 18, 20, 21
Four Feb. 8 Chapter 5: Evans PDE (Second Edition) Chapter 5: 7, 8, 13, 14, 16
Three Jan. 31 Chapter 5: Evans PDE (Second Edition) Chapter 5: 1, 2, 10, 11, 12
Two Jan. 25 Chapter 6: Folland PDE (Second Edition) Chapter 6, Section A, Exercises p.199: 1,2,3
One Jan. 17 Chapter 5: Evans PDE (Second Edition) Chapter 5: 3, 4, 5, 6, 9

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